On the way to Greener Cotton
Sustainability Check, Production Monitor, Cotton Farming and more
„Greener Cotton“ is not just a buzzword for us. We have shown recently that this is a vision for us that we want to become real with our partners. Within the ESA-supported Greener Cotton Demonstration project, the FAT/SAT-Meeting in the office of our company was an important milestone. From there, we are now in the process of pushing ahead with the pilot projects.
FAT/SAT-Meeting within the ESA-supported Greener Cotton Demonstration project
FAT/SAT means Factory Acceptance Test and On-site Acceptance Test: Does the contractual defined system architecture work properly (quality, compliance, performance)? If yes, it can be rolled out to the chosen pilot partners and tested on-site.
Not only in this context, the FAT/SAT meeting was highly successful:
- The work carried out to date, including the business model, was accepted in full.
- Some impressive live-demonstrations of parts of the Greener Cotton project showed that the system components are working well and already led to marketable products such as the Sustainability Check, Production Monitor and Cotton Farming.
- The main pilots were introduced and presented themselves in short meetings. Here they showed their confidence that the project is a big step forward on their way to Greener Cotton.
In the following sections, we give you a more detailed insight of the product parts of the project and their implementation by the pilot partners.

Sustainability Check
Geocledian’s Sustainability Check provides geospatial risk analysis from regional down to the local level along the typical criteria:
- Deforestation
- Biodiversity and protected areas (see image)
- Land use and land use change
It is combined with localised procurement data from the providers, correlating the risks with the production of the commodity.
This allows:
- To identify risk hot spots
- Better calculations e.g. of GHG scope-3 emissions
- Derive specific actions to improve sustainability
- Monitor improvements e.g. reforestation

Sustainability Check overcomes major problems of conventional, non-geospatial tools:
- It avoids imprecise nationwide estimates
- Builds on locally available producer data
- Does not require traceability to plot level
- Allows for the localization of risks, thus enabling more concrete actions
Combined with our Drought Monitor (see image) you can e.g. set deforestation in a context with current or recent drought situations.
Geocledian’s Sustainability Check (read more) is a comprehensive and ready-to-use tool for your Sustainability Analysis!
Request a product demonstration: agriculture@geocledian.com
Note: If you are specifically interested in a Deforestation Check e.g. in the context of EUDR, find more information here and/or request an EUDR Check Demonstration: eudr@geocledian.com.

Production Monitor
Our dashboard for production monitoring provides timely information about crop growth, ripening and harvest. Crop monitoring to manage large numbers of contract farmers, also smallholders, for all field crops on a global basis. In detail:
- Phenology and crop performance monitoring calibrated to local conditions including portfolio level reporting
- Sustainability KPIs including crop rotation verification and cropping intensity detection
- Determination of irrigation water demand at field level
- Integrated weather data, yield validation and other API products
- Including field data validation and other API products
Our Production Monitor offers field monitoring for contract farming,including smallholders, and large food producers. Fully remote by satellite monitoring.
More infos or:
Request a product demonstration: agriculture@geocledian.com

Cotton Farming
Our field-based Farming products support sustainable farming, precision farming, and extension services. This product suit allows you to build your own farming solution very easily by giving you easy access to satellite, weather and other geospatial data sets and powerful data analytics tools that give you insights in your farmers‘ crops and activities. Visualization components help you to quickly build your own application.
Our Sustainability KPIs are remotely checked indicators of good agricultural practices (GAP) at field level such as:
- Crop rotation
- Winter cover
- Crop cover ratio
- Irrigation need
- Disease and pest risk

We are also highly experienced experts for Cotton field data collection and offer several services around that:
- Trainings on systematic Cotton field data collection and quality management
- Providing field data collection apps
- Field data validation including geometry checks, crop type checks and plausibility checks
These services can help you build up your data base in order to establish traceability, develop yield models, or understand what your farmers are doing.
Do you want to know more or are you interested in another crop?
Request a product demonstration: agriculture@geocledian.com
Our Pilots on the way to Greener Cotton
To test the feasibility of our Greener Cotton products, we have been able to gain a number of partners who are implementing them in small-scale pilot projects.
- AbTF: “AbTF Pilot”: Supporting the efficiency and productivity of the Cotton made in Africa (CmiA) sustainability standard in Tanzania with locally based cotton companies via remote sensing analysis.
- Bext360, BASF CSF: “Bext360 Sustainable Cotton Monitoring Greece”: Assess sustainability KPIs for the BASF Certified Sustainable FiberMax (CSF) in Greece that Bext is integrating in their Traceability platform together with other Farming products.
- Reinhart India: “Reinhart Crop Assessment Pilot”: Train field staff on polygon mapping and derive NDVI based assessments to predict crop maturity.
- INTRASYS, DTV: “Intrasys Auditing Pilot”: Implement, test and audit the new Quality Management procedures in the operational environment of Geocledian. Evaluate the usability of Geocledian pilot services within the downstream cotton market / textile service stakeholder group.

Get in touch.
We’re here to help.
Feel free to reach out to us if you have any further
questions or inquiries.