A satellite image showing a river flowing through rural agricultural fields, with patches of green and yellow land, roads, and nearby urban areas.

Custom-fit crop monitoring solutions.

Obtain agricultural insights near real-time.

Agricultural insights.

AgKnowledge is a comprehensive crop monitoring platform as farming API service for ERP and ICT systems. You benefit from custom-fit crop monitoring solutions based on the integration of satellite remote sensing analytics into agricultural ICT systems. Obtain quantitatively and qualitatively reliable data and analyses as well as tailored forecasts and recommendations for action.

Orange icon featuring a checkmark inside a circle with a padlock, symbolizing secure verification, authentication, and data protection.
Easy access.
Orange icon depicting a location pin with a dashed circular outline, symbolizing geolocation, mapping, and navigation tracking.
Field based.
Orange icon featuring a circular arrow and a checkmark, symbolizing continuous process improvement, efficiency, and workflow optimization.
Near real-time.
Minimalist orange icon of a globe with interconnected nodes and arrows, representing global digital networking and connectivity
Global coverage.
Close-up of green plants with futuristic digital data visualization, symbolizing AI-driven smart farming and agricultural innovation

Our Solution

  • Open-Source visualizations
  • Satellite data API
  • Weather data API
  • Precision Farming API
  • Data analytics as a service
  • AI for agriculture
Close-up of a person using a digital tablet in a field with futuristic agricultural data overlays representing precision farming and smart agriculture.

The Industries

  • Service Developers
Woman in a plaid shirt analyzing farm data on a laptop in a harvested field, with agricultural machinery in the background under golden sunlight

Use Cases

  • Provide satellite-based growth and variability indices for farm management systems
  • Support mobile apps for farmers with satellite data, weather forecasts, and analytics.
  • Provide monitoring and data analytics for ERP systems
Diagram of the AgKnowledge production monitoring platform and API, showcasing features like field validation, production monitoring, prediction models, sustainability traceability, and farming insights.

Added value in a nutshell.

  • Proven and scalable platform
  • Wide range of out of the box functionality: satellite & weather data, crop phenology & performance analytics, anomaly detection, farm management zones, harvest maturity determination
  • Custom crop modelling and yield prediction for your crops

Gain deep insights.

AgKnowledge is a REST API that can be integrated into your operational processes and IT systems: standardized, modular or even individually tailored.


To get the most out of your data, AgKnowledge provides satellite data time series, vegetation indexes, and ready-to-use AI algorithms that tell you what is happening on your fields and how to interpret your data. Crop Monitoring allows comparing fields and seasons, find anomalies and keep the overview about your large field portfolios.


How reliable is your input data? Are field geometries truly representing your cropped area? Crop monitoring and data analysis can only be as good as the input data on which they are based. With our Data Validation Package we provide reliable tools for detecting data errors, in particular inaccurate geometries, or wrong crop labels.

Table for data validation with green and red status icons and a pie chart for validation summary

We support you in developing your Precision Farming application:

  • Ag|knowledge precision farming API
  • Make informed decisions on irrigation or spraying
  • Based on Crop development, weather forecast and water balance
  • Farm Management Zones
  • Harvest scheduling
A satellite-based field zone analysis map displaying different productivity levels with a color gradient from red (low) to green (high), accompanied by a pie chart showing hectare distribution across various zones.

Our Sustainability KPIs allow the field-based assessment and monitoring of good agricultural practices or regenerative agriculture measures that help to improve soil quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions at large scale:

  • Assess soil parameters and erosion risk
  • Monitor crop rotation
  • Analyse winter cover and crop cover duration
Comparison of two fields with NDVI data and crop rotation analysis. The top graph and map indicate a successful crop rotation, while the bottom one shows a lack of rotation, visualized through satellite imagery and time-series data.

Our crop specific models to assess e. g. yield, drought or harvest maturity deliver decision ready information that can help you improve your business even in a challenging environment. We use advanced AI agriculture technologies where it makes sense.

Screenshot of a harvest maturity monitoring tool powered by geocledian, displaying a satellite-based field map, a combine harvester in a wheat field, and a maturity progression graph.

“Geocledian recognized the trend towards optimizing agricultural processes and systems by using satellite data time series at an early stage. With AgKnowledge, we have developed a powerful monitoring platform for decision makers in agriculture, like Processing Industries, Farm Advisory Services, IT Companies, Governments, Insurances, and Certification Agencies.”

Dr. Florian Schlenz, COO

A bearded man with glasses wearing a light gray shirt, smiling confidently against a neutral background.
A business professional using a laptop to verify digital documents with futuristic holographic checklists and contract icons.

Technical documentation.

Get an overview of our AgKnowledge products and our API platform. Read answers to key technical questions about the use of our monitoring platform.

Aerial view of a golden wheat field with a combine harvester harvesting crops, leaving long trails behind.

Crop monitoring made easy.

AgKnowledge is a unique and comprehensive Farming API created by Geocledian. Benefit from customized crop monitoring solutions. Obtain agricultural insights near real-time.

Do you have any questions? Here you will find valuable information and links: