The EU regulation on deforestation-free products „EUDR“ sets due diligence requirements for operators and traders placing the relevant products on the EU market. Non EUDR compliance prevents operators from importing those products into the EU. The affected products are:
- beef, cocoa, coffee, palm oil, soy, wood, natural rubber and derived products like leather, furniture, chocolate
Operators and traders need to ensure that:
- In scope products must have not been produced on land deforested or degraded after 31 December 2020
- They have been produced in accordance with the laws of the country of production
- They are covered by a due diligence statement
Not meeting any of these three requirements will result in a prohibition to place those products on the EU market.
Important to know
is any natural or legal person who, in the course of a commercial activity, places relevant products on the Union market or exports them from the Union market. This includes manufactures and traders alike regardless of size, however for SMEs simplifications may apply.
Laws applicable
The laws applicable in the country of production concerning a) land use rights, b) environmental protection, c) forest-related regulations including forest management and biodiversity conservation, d) labour rights, e) human rights protected under international law, the principle of free, prior and informed consent, and f) tax, g) anti-corruption, h) trade and customs regulations
Due diligence statement
The due diligence statement must include the geolocation of all plots of land where the relevant commodities were produced. Depending on the size of the land plots these have to be points or polygons defined by latitude longitude coordinates. They have to be submitted electronically as part of the due diligence statement.

Deforestation free:
The relevant products contain, have been fed with, or have been made using commodities that were produced on land that has not been subject to deforestation after December 31, 2020, or subject to forest degradation after December 31, 2020 in the case of wood.
See also this article in our EUDR series
Deeper insights: Webinar EUDR Check – Verify Deforestation-free Products with Geodata
Contact us: EUDR@geocledian.com
Feature image: by tawatchai07 on Freepik
Article image: by Renaldo Matamoro on Unsplash

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